Doctors of the soul
W hen students are asked by adults about what they plan to study after finishing high school, they can sometimes receive looks of disappointment (or even disapproval) if their answer is: "I want to study a degree related to one of the arts!" These adults maybe consider that, by going for a career that involves being in touch with the application of human creative skill and imagination (for example, visual arts like painting, or literary and performing arts) you can be less intelligent than a Physics student, or that you are making a bad use of your potential. In our society, it is more valued to be useful at improving technology and/or our economy by being an entrepreneur than to communicate with people through beauty - and this is because only a few people believe that this last job is profitable. But, why should it be that way? Why should an artist be less respected than a doctor? Nevertheless, through the past quarantine because of COVID-19, ...